The By-Laws of Grace Community Church - Appalachia

August 2024


Section 1: Corporation

Throughout these By-Laws, any reference to or use of the word “Church” shall mean “Corporation” as defined by the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporations Act.

Section 2: Secretary

Throughout these By-Laws, any reference to or use of the word “Treasurer” shall mean “Secretary” as defined by the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporations Act.

Section 3: President

Throughout these By-Laws, any reference to or use of the word “Pastors” shall mean “President” as defined by the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporations Act.

Section 4: Board of Directors

Throughout these By-Laws, any reference to or use of the word “Elders” or phrase “Council of Elders” shall mean “Board of Directors” as defined by the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporations Act.

Section 5: Powers

Regarding the Charter of Incorporation, Paragraph 13(a), all powers vested in a Board of Directors under the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporations Act are vested in the Council of Elders.


Section 1: Biblical Basis for Membership

Scripture demonstrates to the church a pattern to follow in the book of Acts. When a person was saved and baptized they were “added” to the church at Jerusalem (Acts 2:41, 47; 5:14). These believers were numbered at the church. This indicates that people were added to a roll and were committed to the church (Acts 1:15; 4:4; 6:1, 7). Becoming a member of Grace Community Church is to formally commit yourself to this local body of believers who have gathered together to worship the risen Christ and build one another up in the faith (1 Corinthians 14:12).

Section 2: Requirements for Membership

A.  All requests for initial membership or restoration of membership shall be made to the Pastors (or Elders). Upon making such a request, the person shall be provided an application for membership, a copy of the Statement of Faith, and a copy of the By-Laws of Grace Community Church. Following receipt of the application for membership, the Pastors or an Elder shall meet with the prospective church member.

B.  If, after meeting with the prospective church member and evaluating his or her beliefs and testimony, the Council of Elders determines there is lacking evidence for salvation, the Council shall deny membership. The determination of membership eligibility is at the sole discretion of the Council of Elders.

C.  Those requesting membership must include the following criteria:

      1. Persons who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, genuinely confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, repented from their sins, trusted in the work Jesus Christ did on the cross and in His resurrection.
      2. Persons who have been water baptized by immersion in a Bible-believing church in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
      3. Persons who are in full agreement with our Statement of Faith and will abide by these By-Laws.
      4. Persons who have provided their salvation testimony to the Elders and have been affirmed to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

D.  Having testified to their salvation and completed the above requirements, the Elders shall welcome the new member before the Church during a Sunday service.

Section 2: Church Membership for Pastoral Staff and Spouse

Upon commencement of their pastoral service at Grace Community Church, pastoral staff and their spouses shall be considered members.

Section 3: Attendance of Members

The members of this Church shall attend regular Sunday worship services when they are physically able to do so (Hebrews 10:25). Those members who have been absent from Sunday worship services of this Church for a period of three months or more without reasonable excuse as determined by the Council of Elders shall be considered inactive. Inactive members shall have no vote in any Business Meetings of the Church. Continued absence without reasonable excuse for six months may result in the removal of the members from the membership roll at the discretion of the Council of Elders. Reactivation to membership is at the discretion of the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders shall determine the active membership.

Section 4: Voting Privileges

Membership in this Church does not grant any member ownership rights in the Church but shall entitle the member to vote at scheduled Business Meetings of the Church. Voting privileges are restricted to active members who have reached their sixteenth (16th) birthday. The members of this Church, under the leadership of the Council of Elders, shall have the privilege to vote on the following items:

A. Financial Matters (1 Corinthians 16:3-4; 2 Corinthians 8:19):

      1. Appointment of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer
      2. Appointment of the Financial Accountability Team
      3. Approval of the Church Budget or modifications to the Church Budget
      4. Authorization to Sell the Church Building
      5. Church Discipline (see ARTICLE II, Section 6)

Section 5:  Responsibilities of Members

The members of this Church shall seek to exercise their spiritual gifts for the mutual benefit of the entire Church body and shall humbly submit to the loving leadership of the Council of Elders (1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:7, 17; Romans 12:1-8).

Section 6: Church Discipline

A.  The threefold purpose of Church Discipline is to glorify God by maintaining purity in the local Church (1 Corinthians 5:6); to edify believers by deterring sin (1 Timothy 5:20); and to promote spiritual welfare by restoring wayward believers to a biblical standard of doctrine and conduct (Galatians 6:1).

B.  Members of this Church and all other professing Christians who regularly attend or fellowship with this Church, who err in doctrine, or who engage in conduct that violates Scripture as determined by the Council of Elders, shall be subject to Church Discipline, potentially including removal from fellowship according to Matthew 18:15-18.

C.  The process of Church Discipline is laid out clearly in Matthew 18:15-18. If a person sins in a serious way as defined by Scripture, the person who witnesses the sin must go to the person to confront him or her. The Council of Elders will not hear a case if this step has not been followed. If the person listens and repents of his or her sins, the matter is over. If the person does not listen or repent of his or her sins, then the person who witnessed the sin must take one or two other witnesses to confront the person. If the person listens and repents of his or her sins, the matter is over. If the person does not listen or repent of his or her sins, then the witnesses must take the matter to the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders shall strive to handle each instance with divine wisdom and prayer to bring repentance and reconciliation, either in restoration or dismissal of the sinning person.

D.  If repentance and restoration are not achieved, then the Council of Elders shall bring the matter to the Church to remove the sinning person. A simple majority (51%) vote of affirmation is required for the removal of a member (1 Corinthians 5:4-5, 13; 2 Corinthians 2:6).

E.  If upon removal, the removed offender expresses genuine repentance as determined by the Council of Elders, the person may apply for restoration of membership as noted in ARTICLE II, Section 2A).

Section 7: Church Disputes

If any dispute arises between Church members, Pastors, Elders, or Staff pertaining to any matter of spiritual teaching or practices, church finances, or properties of the church, the dispute shall be resolved by the Council of Elders. A decision shall be reached after prayerful consideration and in a spirit of humility, with each Elder regarding one another before himself, and striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-3).


Section 1: Annual Business Meeting

An Annual Business Meeting of the Church members shall be held in January of each year. At this meeting, the members shall vote on the Church budget, consider ministry reports, and receive other business as determined by the Council of Elders.

Section 2: Special Business Meetings

Special Business Meetings of the Church may be called at any time by the order of the Council of Elders, and conduct business as determined by the Council of Elders.

Section 3: Notice of Business Meetings

An Elder shall give notice of all Business Meetings from the pulpit at least one Sunday prior to the meeting (except for occasions found in ARTICLE III, Section 7; ARTICLE VI).

Section 4: Quorum for Business Meetings

A quorum shall consist of 20% of the active membership of the Church.

Section 5: Conduct at Business Meetings

All Business Meetings shall be conducted based on the principles of the Bible under the leadership of the Council of Elders (Acts 14:26-27; 15:22). Each Meeting shall open and close with prayer. All communications provided to the Church during meetings shall follow an orderly manner and be conducted in Christian love (1 Corinthians 14:33; 40). Voting shall be conducted by a yea or nay vote or another method determined by the Moderator. Unless otherwise stated in these By-Laws, a simple majority of the necessary quorum is required to enact a decision (2 Corinthians 2:6).

Section 6: Budget Changes

Any budget changes must be approved by the Council of Elders. If such budget changes exceed the current budget parameters indicated in Section 7, the Church must vote to approve the changes.

Section 7: Emergency Expenses

A.  Any emergency expense less than or equal to five thousand dollars ($5,000) which is not included in the Church Budget must be approved by the Council of Elders but will not require the vote of the Church.

B.  Any emergency expense greater than five thousand dollars ($5,000) which is not included in the Church Budget must be approved by the Council of Elders and will require a vote of approval by the Church. In the event of emergency circumstances, no preliminary meeting notice will be required.


Section 1: Pastors, Elders

Qualifications for the Pastors are the same as that of an Elder as outlined in ARTICLE V: Section 3. The Pastors shall be men, selected by the Council of Elders and presented to the Church at a Special Business Meeting. They shall remain in office for an indefinite period subject to the following reservations: They must remain faithful to the calling of a Pastor as defined in these By-Laws and in Scripture. If he violates his divine calling by failing to teach sound doctrine, or by failing to exercise his duties, or by failing to live in a holy manner as defined by Scripture, then he will be subject to Church Discipline by the Council of Elders as outlined in ARTICLE II: Section 6 & ARTICLE V: Section 5A. (Acts 12:17; 15:4-6 cf. w/ 15:13-19; 21:18; Galatians 1:18-19; 2:9; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Timothy 5:17).

Section 2: Duties of the Pastors

A.  The Pastors shall be ex-officio members of all teams and councils. They shall conduct or delegate all public and regular worship services of the Church and shall be responsible for its general oversight and spiritual welfare. Their leadership over the Church shall include setting the Church’s vision and direction. Their primary responsibilities will be to pray, study, preach and teach the Word of God, among the shepherding of the Church (Acts 6:4a; 1 Timothy 5:17; 2 Timothy 2:15; 4:2; 1 Peter 5:2-3). Elders are to concern themselves with the care and fellowship of the flock.

B.  The Pastors will select Support Staff with the affirmation of the Council of Elders. This includes additional Associate Pastors determined necessary for the advancement of the Church (see ARTICLE IV: Section 5 and ARTICLE V: Section 1Ea).

Section 3: Elders, Associate Pastors and Assistant Pastors

Qualifications for the Associate and Assistant Pastor(s) are the same as that of an Elder and Pastor as outlined in ARTICLE V: Section 3. At the discretion of the Council of Elders, potential candidates for any Elder role may begin with a brief term, not exceeding a year, of internship (particular discipleship) attending within that role. At the conclusion of said internship, neither the Elders nor the candidate are required to ordain or assume the role of Elder or Pastor, respectively. The Associate Pastor(s) will oversee areas of ministry which the Council of Elders deem necessary for the Church. The Associate Pastor(s) shall be a man, selected by the Council of Elders and presented to the Church at a Special Business Meeting. He shall remain in office for an indefinite period subject to the following reservations: He must remain faithful to the calling of a Pastor as spelled out in these By-Laws and in Scripture. If he violates his divine calling by failing to teach sound doctrine, or by failing to exercise his duties, or by failing to live in a holy manner as defined by Scripture, then he will be subject to Church Discipline by the Council of Elders as outlined in ARTICLE II: Section 6 & ARTICLE V: Section 5A. Any Elder may vacate his role voluntarily due to mitigating circumstances appropriate to such a decision, before the Council of Elders. Resumption of said role shall be at the determination of the Council of Elders.

Section 4: Duties of an Associate or Assistant Pastor

The Associate Pastor(s) shall be under the supervision of the Pastors and will fill roles as designated by the Pastors with the affirmation of the Council of Elders. He shall be responsible to the Council of Elders.

Section 5: Support Staff

Provision shall be made for the hiring of Support Staff if deemed necessary by the Council of Elders. All Support Staff decisions regarding selection, hiring, accountability and removal will be by a Pastor and require the affirmation of the Council of Elders (see ARTICLE IV: Section 2B and ARTICLE V: Section 1Ea).


Section 1: The Council of Elders

A.  This Church acknowledges that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church (Ephesians 5:23). Under Christ’s authority God has ordained Pastors/Elders to shepherd the Church (1 Peter 5:1-5). The Pastors and Elders comprise the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders is responsible for the spiritual oversight and shepherding of this Church. They are responsible for leading and governing the Church, teaching the Word, praying, and providing pastoral care to the congregation (Acts 14:23; 15:2-6; 16:4; 20:17; 22:5; 1 Timothy 4:14; James 5:14).

B.  The Council of Elders is committed to standing shoulder to shoulder in bringing unity to our church against divisions, gossip, and heated differences in secondary doctrines, convictions, and preferences members may have with one another, by modeling godly biblical leadership and gently confronting any discord in the church (Titus 1:10-14; 2:15).

C.  The Council of Elders has the responsibility of financial oversight and financial planning of the Church including staff compensation (Acts 11:29-30). Any Pastor whose salary is under consideration shall recuse himself from the discussions regarding the amount and extent of his salary package. The Council of Elders shall draft an annual budget and budget amendments with consultation from the various ministry leaders, if applicable. To ensure the highest standard of accountability regarding finances, the Church will maintain a Financial Accountability Team (See ARTICLE V: Section 9 & Section 10).

D.  The Council of Elders has the responsibility to create and dissolve all teams and positions, with the exception of the Financial Accountability Team. The Council of Elders has the discretion to delegate any specified aspect of their responsibility to other individuals and teams.

E.  Every Elder shall have discretion at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records, documents, and the physical properties of the Church, and of its subsidiary organizations, if any.

F.  The Council of Elders shall have the following responsibilities in addition to those contained elsewhere in these By-Laws:

      1.  In conjunction with the Pastors, select and remove all directors, officers, agents, staff, and employees of the Church, and prescribe duties for them consistent with the Scriptures (See ARTICLE IV: Section 2B and Section 5)(1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; 1 Corinthians 16:15-16).
      2. Establish policies and practices for the Church consistent with Scripture (Titus 1:5).
      3. Establish doctrinal perspectives derived from Scripture (Acts 15:22-29).
      4. Protect the Church from doctrinal errors and false teachers (1 Timothy 1:10; 6:3).
      5. Assist the Pastors in shepherding the Church (Acts 20:28).
      6. Complement the Pastors in the teaching ministry of the Church (1 Timothy 3:2).Pray the prayer of faith over the sick (James 5:14-16).
      7. Guide church finances consistent with the vision of the Church (Acts 11:29-30).
      8. Oversee the missionary activities of the Church (Acts 20:17; 21:18).

G.  The Council of Elders will strive to serve one another in the spirit of unity by demonstrating comradery, gentlemanship, and unanimity. This will include discussing in a godly way the most difficult subjects and respecting one another by showing patience, gentleness, kindness, and preference toward one another as brothers in Christ. (Rom. 12:10; Col. 3:12-14).

Section 2: Number of Elders

Scripture refers to the plurality of Elders in the local church (Acts 11:30; 14:23; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 5:17; Titus 1:5; James 5:14). The number of Elders shall be determined by the amount of qualified male members, and whenever possible, at least three.

Section 3: Qualifications of Elders

Each member of the Council of Elders must be an active member in good standing of this Church and possess the qualifications described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. He shall be:

      1. Blameless as a steward of God; above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6-7)A one-woman type of man; if married he must be faithful to his wife (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6)
      2. Temperate, sober, vigilant (1 Timothy 3:2)
      3. Sober-minded, prudent (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8)
      4. Of good behavior; orderly, respectable (1 Timothy 3:2)
      5. Given to hospitality (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8)
      6. Able to teach, exhort believers and refute false teaching (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9)
      7. Not addicted to wine (1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
      8. Not violent; not quarrelsome (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
      9. Patient, moderate, forbearing, gentle (1 Timothy 3:3)
      10. Not a brawler; uncontentious; not quick-tempered (1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
      11. Not a lover of money; not greedy of dishonest gain (1 Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7)
      12. Rules well his own house; his children are faithful and not accused of rebellion to God (1 Timothy 3:4; Titus 1:6)
      13. Not a novice; not a new convert (1 Timothy 3:6)
      14. Has a good reputation with outsiders (1 Timothy 3:7)
      15. Not self-willed (Titus 1:7)
      16. A lover of good (Titus 1:8)
      17. Just, fair (Titus 1:8)
      18. Holy, devout (Titus 1:8)
      19. Self-controlled (Titus 1:8)

Section 4: Selection of Elders

The Council of Elders shall appoint Elders based on the qualifications in ARTICLE V: Section 3. Elders shall undergo a brief period of internship, per ARTICLE IV, for a period determined by the Council of Elders. All Elders shall agree to an Elder Unanimity document provided them.

Section 5: Removal of Elders

A.  An Elder must remain faithful to his calling as spelled out in these By-Laws and in Scripture. If he violates his calling by failing to teach sound doctrine, or by failing to exercise his duties, or by failing to live in a holy manner as defined by Scripture, then he will be subject to Church Discipline by the Council of Elders as outlined in ARTICLE II: Section 6. The Council of the Elders, in accordance with Matthew 18:15-18 and 1 Timothy 5:19, shall be responsible for investigating any accusation against an Elder. If after a thorough investigation, he is determined to be in sin, or spiritually or doctrinally unqualified (according to Scripture), he shall be removed from office by the Council of Elders. If an Elder is removed because of sin, and if he refuses to repent from that sin, the removal shall be accompanied by a public rebuke, and notice shall be made before the Church at a Special Business Meeting as prescribed in 1 Timothy 5:20. (For Pastors, see ARTICLE IV: Sections 1 & 3)

B.  If an Elder establishes his primary residence in a location greater than 100 miles from the physical address of this Church, he will be removed from serving on the Council of Elders.

C.  In the event that an Elder shall be unable to faithfully attend to his duties because of disability, whether physically or mentally, the Council of Elders may, in its discretion: (1) place him in sabbatical status to be reviewed at three-month intervals; (2) remove him from the Council; or (3) take other action as determined by the Council of Elders.

Section 6: Sabbatical for Elders
The calling of an Elder is not limited by terms, rather it is a lifetime calling unless violated (ARTICLE V: Section 5A). However, a sabbatical period after serving on the Council of Elders for up to three years shall be accorded to an Elder as desired. The sabbatical may be bypassed if the Elder and the Council of Elders deem it helpful to the ministry of the Church to continue actively serving. If at any time an Elder determines he is in need of a sabbatical, he may take one after providing a one (1) month notice. If at any time the Council of Elders determines that an Elder is in need of a sabbatical, he shall take one after being provided appropriate notice. The amount of notice and length of such sabbatical will be at the discretion of the Council of Elders.

Section 7: Quorum for Elder Meeting

A majority (51%) of the active Elders shall constitute a quorum of the Council of Elders, including the Pastors unless there is a vacancy in his position, at such time the quorum will be counted amongst the active Elders.

Section 8: Deacons

The Deacons shall consist of male members possessing the qualifications described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and may be nominated by members of the Church when the Council of Elders determines there is a need (Acts 6:1-6). The Elders will review the nominations and appoint individuals to the office of Deacon. The Deacons shall serve the Church, aid in the general care of the Church, and perform other duties as assigned by the Council of Elders.

The Deacons shall select a Chairman of the Deacons. He shall have the responsibility of preparing agendas, planning meetings, and organizing the execution of the Deacons’ duties. Candidates for Deacon may also undergo a brief period of internship, at the discretion of the Council of Elders.

Section 9: Financial Accountability Team

The Financial Accountability Team shall be nominated by the Council of Elders and confirmed by a vote of the Church at a Business Meeting. The Financial Accountability Team shall consist of the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, at least one (1) Elder and at least one (1) member-at-large. Each member shall serve for a term of three (3) years. Upon completion of their three (3) year term, they will be required to take a one (1) year sabbatical unless the Elders determine to extend his/her term for an additional year. This extension will be at the discretion of the Council of the Elders each year thereafter. The Financial Accountability Team shall review and/or audit financial transactions of the church periodically to ensure they are above reproach, transparent, and conducted in accordance with Scripture and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The Church must confirm each member of the Financial Accountability Team with a three-fourths (75%) majority of all the votes cast.

Section 10: Treasurer

A.  The Treasurer will be nominated by the Council of Elders and affirmed by a vote of the Church at a Business Meeting each year. The Treasurer can serve for a term of three (3) consecutive years. Upon completion of a three (3) year term, he/she will be required to take a one (1) year sabbatical unless the Elders determine to extend his/her term for an additional year. This extension will be at the discretion of the Council of the Elders each year thereafter. The Treasurer shall ensure the stewardship of the physical and financial resources of the Church (2 Corinthians 8:20-21). The Treasurer shall not be a paid staff member or an active Elder but shall be a member of the Financial Accountability Team. The Treasurer shall ensure that all financial activities and transactions are consistent with Scripture. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct accounts of the financial transactions of the Church. The Treasurer shall be accountable to the Council of Elders and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by them. The books of accounting shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any member of the Church. The Treasurer shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, all offerings, monies and other valuables of the Church into Banks as designated by the Council of Elders in conjunction with the Financial Accountability Team. The Treasurer shall distribute financial reports, or cause to distribute financial reports at the Annual Business Meeting of the Church. The Church must confirm the Treasurer with a three-fourths (75%) majority of all the votes cast.

B.  There shall be an Assistant Treasurer who will fulfill all the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence. The Assistant Treasurer can serve for a term of three (3) consecutive years. Upon completion of a three (3) year term, he/she will be required to take a one (1) year sabbatical unless the Elders determine to extend his/her term for an additional year. This extension will be at the discretion of the Council of the Elders each year thereafter. The Church must confirm the Assistant Treasurer with a three-fourths (75%) majority of all the votes cast.

Section 11: Clerk

The Clerk shall be selected by the Council of Elders and shall keep full minutes of the transactions of the Church at Business Meetings. The Clerk shall serve at the behest of the Elders until such a time as the Elders agree to a change, or at the request of the Clerk.

Section 12: Moderator

The Moderator shall preside over all Business Meetings of the Church. The Moderator shall be an active Elder.

Section 13: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December each year.


The Church building shall be deeded to the Church and held in its name. The Church building shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of except the Council of Elders bring the proposal to the Church. A two-thirds (66%) vote of the necessary quorum present must confirm the decision to sell of all the votes cast. No sale shall be made unless the proposed sale is presented to the Church in writing and announced from the pulpit one month prior to Church action at a Special Business Meeting for this purpose.


The Council of Elders may at any time determine to dissolve this Church. Upon dissolution of this Church, the Council of Elders shall cause the assets herein to be distributed to another Bible-believing Church of similar doctrine and purposes as that identified in these By-Laws.


The Council of Elders may at any time determine to amend these By-Laws. Notice shall be made to the Church from the pulpit one month prior to the changes going into effect.